53. Modern Livery Companies Dinner, March 14, 2022



Martin Bigg, Walbrook Warden, represented the Water Conservators’ Company at the Modern Companies Dinner at Watermen’s Hall, alongside representatives of City Companies which had achieved Livery status since 1932. The first ‘modern’ Livery Company was the Master Mariners (78th in order of precedence), which formed in 1926. A Company is described as modern even if it was formed before 1932 or its trade predates the 1930s, for example the Solicitors or Hackney Carriage Drivers.



Companies take it in turn to host, this time hosted by Stephen Emmins, Master of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals. Responding on behalf of the guests was Murray Craig, Clerk to the Chamberlain’s Court, who gave a most entertaining description of the awarding of the Freedom of the City to well-known personalities, including J K Rowling (when it felt just like Hogwarts) and Joanna Lumley.

It is an opportunity to share experiences with an engage in fascinating conversations with counterparts from other companies on the various levels of recruitment - associate/ junior liverymen/ members, activities and fees, as well as the cost of new London Cabs (electric £70k, diesel £45k). It was a most enjoyable evening and the Company’s thanks go to the Master Security Professionals for arranging it.


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